Rates & Policies

Listed below, you will find the current rates and policies for water consumption.  Click on this document link to read the specifcs of the current ordinance. If you do not find the information you need, please contact the office and we will provide it by USPS mail or email.  

Battle Ground Utilities represents services provided by Battle Ground Conservancy District (water supply) and Town of Battle Ground (waste water treatment and storm water fees). You receive one bill with separate charges from each utility.

The rate chart below details the various rate levels for water, and the total bill has a component for waste treatment that is calculated on your water meter reading.

Residential Water Rates for 5/8 to 3/4 meter

Monthly Minimum Water only:
Gallons Included w/ Minimum Bill:
$21.46 plus tax
2000 gallons
Tier (gal.): $/1,000 gal.:
2,001-5,000 $10.73
5,001-15,000 $8.58
15,001 and over $7.51

Our community's water meters are read each month. Please contact our office if your have specific questions about the read date or your consumption profile.  Charges are listed separately on your bill, the total amount due includes a wastewater charge that is calculated per gallons of water used, and also a Storm Water Utility flat fee that increases annually. 

Billing Examples for Water Only

Minimum water bill up to 2,000 gallons: $21.46
Usage (gal.): Bill Total:
3,000 $32.19
4,000 $42.92
5,000 $53.65
7,000 $70.81

Beginning June 15, your waste treatment charges will be modified to provide a "credit" for outdoor activities such as lawn and garden watering that do not go through the treatment plant collection system.

Your water use is billed according to actual gallons used, and the waste treatment is billed at a winter average instead of the summer meter reading. This ends August 15, when the waste treatment billing again calculates on the meter read. 

Contact the Utility Office for information about irrigation meters for lawn and garden use.

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